

CL2GSA: Greek Sculpture and Architecture


CL2GSA: Greek Sculpture and Architecture

Module code: CL2GSA

Module provider: Classics; School of Humanities

Credits: 20

Level: Level 2 (Intermediate)

When you’ll be taught: Semester 1

Module convenor: Professor Amy Smith, email: a.c.smith@reading.ac.uk

Pre-requisite module(s):

Co-requisite module(s):

Pre-requisite or Co-requisite module(s):

Module(s) excluded:

Placement information: NA

Academic year: 2024/5

Available to visiting students: Yes

Talis reading list: Yes

Last updated: 21 May 2024


Module aims and purpose

This module provides an overview of ancient sculpture & architecture in the Greek world from its beginnings to the end of the Hellenistic period (around 1000-31 BC), considering how, why, where and when these media developed during this period. 


  • To introduce students to the range of Greek sculpture & architecture including its uses & influence; 
  • To give students the experience of identifying, analysing and interpreting Greek sculpture & architecture, whether or not fragmentary; 
  • To develop students’ confidence in developing their own perspectives and viewpoints. 

This module also encourages the development of oral communication skills and students’ effectiveness working in groups, through presentations, and participation in class meetings. Students will also develop their IT skills by use of relevant web resources including bibliographies. 

Module learning outcomes

By the end of the module, it is expected that students will be able to: 

  1. recognize, describe and date a range of Greek sculpture & architecture; 
  2. analyse the social and historical context of objects through critical interpretation of primary sources and scholarship; 
  3. distinguish particular problems encountered with fragmentary, lost, or unprovenanced works, and understand and evaluate the methods used to overcome them; 
  4. express their own perspectives and opinions based upon a solid understanding of any problems and arguments. 

Module content

The sculptures that decorated private and public spaces in the ancient world are among the most enduring legacies of ancient civilizations. This course will treat the range of sculpture and architectural remains from the Greek world from the Dark Ages to the end of the Hellenistic period. It will follow a chronological format, beginning with the earliest material evidence and its precedents and trace its ongoing development. It will examine sculpture in the round as well as relief and buildings and other monuments whether or not decorated with sculpture.  These art works will be examined from the viewpoints of the ancient craftsmen as well as consumers. How does their form and iconography reflect their function? How did ancient viewers regard these monuments and what was their importance in their daily lives? Attention will be given to ancient literary sources and their value for interpreting these monuments. Technique and style are also assessed, with attention given to the "development" of sculptural style through distinct historical periods, and the ways in which modern scholars and connoisseurs have established stylistic criteria.   


Teaching and learning methods

The module will be taught primarily by lectures, in all of which there will be ample opportunity for discussion, and a museum visit. 

Study hours

At least 20 hours of scheduled teaching and learning activities will be delivered in person, with the remaining hours for scheduled and self-scheduled teaching and learning activities delivered either in person or online. You will receive further details about how these hours will be delivered before the start of the module.

 Scheduled teaching and learning activities  Semester 1  Semester 2 Ìý³§³Ü³¾³¾±ð°ù
Lectures 10
Seminars 8
Project Supervision
Practical classes and workshops
Supervised time in studio / workshop
Scheduled revision sessions
Feedback meetings with staff
External visits 2
Work-based learning

 Self-scheduled teaching and learning activities  Semester 1  Semester 2 Ìý³§³Ü³¾³¾±ð°ù
Directed viewing of video materials/screencasts
Participation in discussion boards/other discussions
Feedback meetings with staff
Other (details)

 Placement and study abroad  Semester 1  Semester 2 Ìý³§³Ü³¾³¾±ð°ù
Study abroad

Please note that the hours listed above are for guidance purposes only.

 Independent study hours  Semester 1  Semester 2 Ìý³§³Ü³¾³¾±ð°ù
Independent study hours 180

Please note the independent study hours above are notional numbers of hours; each student will approach studying in different ways. We would advise you to reflect on your learning and the number of hours you are allocating to these tasks.

Semester 1 The hours in this column may include hours during the Christmas holiday period.

Semester 2 The hours in this column may include hours during the Easter holiday period.

Summer The hours in this column will take place during the summer holidays and may be at the start and/or end of the module.


Requirements for a pass

Students need to achieve an overall module mark of 40% to pass this module.

Summative assessment

Type of assessment Detail of assessment % contribution towards module mark Size of assessment Submission date Additional information
In-class test administered by School/Dept Online test 30 90 minutes Semester 1, Teaching Week 12
Written coursework assignment Report 30 1,000 words Semester 1, Teaching Week 8 A written report on a sculpture in the Ure Museum or the British Museum.
Written coursework assignment Essay 40 3,000 words Semester 1, Assessment Week 2 Essay on a topic approved by the convenor

Penalties for late submission of summative assessment

The Support Centres will apply the following penalties for work submitted late:

Assessments with numerical marks

  • where the piece of work is submitted after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): 10% of the total marks available for that piece of work will be deducted from the mark for each working day (or part thereof) following the deadline up to a total of three working days;
  • the mark awarded due to the imposition of the penalty shall not fall below the threshold pass mark, namely 40% in the case of modules at Levels 4-6 (i.e. undergraduate modules for Parts 1-3) and 50% in the case of Level 7 modules offered as part of an Integrated Masters or taught postgraduate degree programme;
  • where the piece of work is awarded a mark below the threshold pass mark prior to any penalty being imposed, and is submitted up to three working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline), no penalty shall be imposed;
  • where the piece of work is submitted more than three working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension to the deadline): a mark of zero will be recorded.

Assessments marked Pass/Fail

  • where the piece of work is submitted within three working days of the deadline (or any formally agreed extension of the deadline): no penalty will be applied;
  • where the piece of work is submitted more than three working days after the original deadline (or any formally agreed extension of the deadline): a grade of Fail will be awarded.

The University policy statement on penalties for late submission can be found at: /cqsd/-/media/project/functions/cqsd/documents/qap/penaltiesforlatesubmission.pdf

You are strongly advised to ensure that coursework is submitted by the relevant deadline. You should note that it is advisable to submit work in an unfinished state rather than to fail to submit any work.

Formative assessment

Formative assessment is any task or activity which creates feedback (or feedforward) for you about your learning, but which does not contribute towards your overall module mark.


Type of reassessment Detail of reassessment % contribution towards module mark Size of reassessment Submission date Additional information
In-class test administered by School/Dept Online test 30 90 minutes During the university resit period
Written coursework assignment Report 30 1,000 words During the university resit period A written report on a sculpture in the Ure Museum or the British Museum.
Written coursework assignment Essay 40 3,000 words During the university resit period Essay on a topic approved by the convenor

Additional costs

Item Additional information Cost
Computers and devices with a particular specification
Required textbooks
Specialist equipment or materials
Specialist clothing, footwear, or headgear
Printing and binding
Travel, accommodation, and subsistence Trip to the British Museum c. £20


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