黑料不打烊 Medieval Studies journal
The GCMS publishes an annual multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, 黑料不打烊 Medieval Studies. Guest editors are welcomed for both special and regular issues.
黑料不打烊 Medieval Studies was launched in 1975 and is published annually in hard copy and online. The journal welcomes articles on all aspects of medieval studies. Issues include reviews of recent monographs in medieval studies. Submissions are accepted throughout the year and should be emailed to the editor.
Dr Ruth Salter (History) (r.j.salter@reading.ac.uk)
Annual Subscription: £20.00
To request a subscription, or to check which journals we have in stock, please contact execsupporthums@reading.ac.uk.
If you would like hard copies of 黑料不打烊 Medieval Studies, they can be ordered and paid for by card via the
All previous issues are now available free of charge as a downloadable PDF file. .
Guidelines for article submission
- 黑料不打烊 Medieval Studies welcomes articles that are longer than standard length. Your paper should be no longer than 10,000 words (including notes and bibliography).
Please submit your article as an email attachment. Microsoft Word is preferred.
- Articles are normally published in English.
- The editors are committed to giving feedback on every submitted article within 8-12 weeks.
Style guide
- Articles should be submitted in a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman), double-spaced, 12 point. Paragraphs should be indented to 0.7cm.
- Please note that short quotations should be enclosed within single quotation marks and run on with the main text; longer quotations and lines of verse should be separated from the preceding and subsequent text and should be indented. Quotation marks are not required for these.
- Quotations of medieval texts or in any language other than English should be translated, either in a note or (in the case of primary sources) immediately after the quotation.
- All bibliographical references should appear in the notes. Unless specifically instructed otherwise, do not include a 'Works cited' section. Notes should appear as endnotes, not footnotes.
Bibliographical references
Submissions should use the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) Style Guide for citations and other aspects of style. The guide may be found online here:
Reproduction permissions
We advise you to obtain permissions to reproduce any images before you submit your article. Authors are responsible for obtaining all permissions and for paying any fees involved.